

ISO 14064-1
GHG Inventory

  1. Carbon Inventory Program: We will assist you in developing a carbon inventory program tailored to the characteristics of your organization, ensuring that all relevant emission sources are adequately considered.


  2. Data Collection and Verification: We help you collect, verify, and ensure the reliability and completeness of the data required for the carbon inventory.


  3. Emission Calculation and Reporting: We use methods required by ISO 14064-1 standard for carbon emission calculations and greenhouse gas reporting, providing transparent information to internal and external stakeholders.


  4. Regulatory Compliance Consultation: We offer professional advice to ensure that your organization’s carbon inventory complies with relevant regulations and standards.


  5. Training and Support: We provide training for internal teams to enhance the capabilities of the carbon inventory, along with daily support to ensure the smooth implementation of the carbon inventory.

ISO 14067
Carbon footprint of products

  1. Carbon Footprint Calculation: We will conduct a comprehensive carbon footprint calculation, covering the entire lifecycle of the product, from raw material procurement to manufacturing, transportation, use, and final disposal.
  2. Data Collection and Analysis: We assist you in collecting and analyzing the necessary data to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the carbon footprint calculation.
  3. ISO 14067 Standard Compliance: We ensure that your product’s carbon footprint data complies with the ISO 14067 standard, contributing to the enhancement of product sustainability and market competitiveness.
  4. Improvement Recommendations: Based on the results of the carbon footprint assessment, we provide improvement recommendations to help you reduce carbon emissions and enhance efficiency.
  5. Report Generation: We produce carbon footprint reports in compliance with the ISO 14067 standard, transparently showcasing the environmental performance of your product to stakeholders.

Product Embedded Emissions Accounting

  1. Product Embedded Emission Calculation: We will assist you in evaluating the carbon content of your product, ensuring that you can provide accurate data in compliance with the EU CBAM standards.
  2. Documentation Preparation: We will help you prepare all necessary documents and information to facilitate the smooth completion of the CBAM reporting process.
  3. Regulatory Compliance Consultation: Our professional team will provide interpretation and compliance advice on CBAM-related regulations, ensuring that your business aligns with the latest standards.
  4. Establishing Procedures: We will offer support and assistance in formalizing necessary procedures and documentation to establish standardized processes for CBAM reporting.
  5. Real-time Updates: We will stay informed about real-time updates to EU CBAM-related regulations to ensure that your business can adapt to the latest requirements.